PZ Meet and Closecalls

I was thinking about heading up to Chewy Ball's today after the Planet Zero meet but father time always seems to keep me places longer than expected. JohnP actually invited me to the meet because I had forgotten about it and had not marked it on my calendar. The meet was pretty relaxed this time around... saw a lot of old school cars that I'm not used to seeing such as the Datsun Fairlady that was one of the first produced in the US and saw a couple of familiar faces.

After the meet, JohnP showed me who the owners of PZ were and got to meet JohnL for the first time. These guys are always thinking about ways to make the Houston scene bigger and better. So far, I've heard what they are doing is only a "tip off the iceberg" so I'm pretty excited about that. Man, knowing JohnP is an honor because he's putting Houston back on the map with the help of Planet Zero.

My closecall after the meet was almost getting a ticket for running a red light. I haven't had a ticket since my last accident which was almost 5 yrs. ago which is probably why he just gave me a warning. I guess it also helps to be courteous to law enforcement. I know I would've shitted bricks if I had gotten a ticket because I could not afford that shit now. Anyways I was really lucky today.

Danh Phan is exhausted!

HOUSTON - Danh Phan is exhausted today from staying awake the whole day! Why am I talking in third person? Because it's the cool thing to do lol. The shot to the left was taken after eating lunch at Amnity Park located at Alief Clodine and Dairy Ashford. That's where my brother and some of our friends would ball at in the summer. It's been a while since we hooped. I kinda miss it.

I'm extremely tired from filling in for a coworker because she was sick... I almost fell asleep driving home. Blah. Working at CVS has made me realize something. I haven't been sick in a couple of years... I can't even remember the last time I've had the flu, cold, or fever. I've only puked once from drinking too much and that was it. I guess the antibodies in my body are doing a good job detecting foreign invaders. Yesssss!


My lips are so friggin red and dry it looks like im wearing lipstick. What a waste of a day today. All I did was go to school to register for classes. My friend and I left early because the professor was just talking about her mother with Alzheimer's and she didn't have the syllabus ready yet. Apparently old people with Alzheimer's fake symptoms just to get some attention. That is so immature but what can we do about it? Absolutely nothing...

After class my friend and I just went to Major's to look for some textbooks but none were there. Bummer. My friend didn't know her way around downtown so she followed me all the way to Main and that's when she lost me. I called her later to find out she took university all the way down to kirby. I felt kinda bad because I took main all the way to 59. Ah well.

I stopped by the bank to deposit some money leftover from the trip and a check from work. BoA is super fast on weekdays but super slow on weekends. I went home after that and met up some guy for a used Nokia 5300. Pretty nice phone but needs work on the case so I ordered a new one. I got tired after watching an episode of Iryu 2 so I fell asleep around 2. I woke up and it was dark outside... I looked at my phone and noticed the time was 6pm. What a waste of a nice afternoon, but the nap sure felt gewt!

Nice day for some Tennis!

Currently waiting in Japan...

Good gawd our flight schedule wait is horrible. We're stuck in japan waiting for 8 hrs until our next flight to chicago and then wait another 5 hrs until our next flight to houston. GAAAH! I can't wait to get into my bed.

Back in Bangkok!

Just got back from a 2 day trip from Pattaya and man... that place is crazy! They have no restrictions or ethics whatsoever. I would think that Thailand is still under the rule of a monarchy there would be order in the whole country... but anything goes in Pattaya. You have prostitutes sitting on corners, prostitutes sitting with sleezy old men, lady boys sitting with sleezy old men, lady boys going with other lady boys, and the "sexy" shows were worse than pornos. I can see why Thailand is such a popular place for "business" trips and what not. I bet more than half of the old sleezy men are married and just on a "business" trip. I'm not against that but I'm just sayin...

However this was the first time I've been to a beach where I could actually see in the water, even though my eyes burned a little afterwards. The beach they took us to was a little island about 20 minutes from Pattaya. Weather was perfect and everything. The trip to Thailand actually pwns Vietnam two folds. I'm kinda hesitant to go back to Vietnam now because I've been spoiled with A/C and a comfortable bed for a week now.

I'm too lazy and the internet is too slow to upload pictures so I will do it when I get back.

In Bangkok!

I'm currently on a tour in Bangkok, Thailand. I've concluded that going on tours is much better than sitting in one city and that Thai girls are hotter than vietnamese girls (sorry viet girls lol). I haven't used the internet for about 2 days and it seems like I've lost track of time. I don't even know if its Friday or Saturday here right now. I just know my Macbook says 11:25am which is Houston time and that I am friggin sleepy.

So far we've been to a crocodile, dolphin, and stunt show in Bangkok. I want to watch the "sexy" show but my mom refuses to let us watch because they perform sexual acts on stage pffft. I think I know how sex performed =X

I gotta keep this entry short because I only have a total of 1 hour to use the net. It costs 300 bhat dammit. You guys think things in VN and Thailand area cheaper than the US but they really aren't.
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